
Family Constellations

Family Constellations looks at a person in the context of their family system. It assists the individual in coming to a better a place within themselves and their system. Unresolved emotions or situations, secrets, traumas or blockages are carried through generations and affects the love and life force a person can experience in their life.

Through the Family Constellations process we support the client in movement towards resolution, free of entanglements and burdens that is not theirs to carry. This also supports the next generation in not repeating the same patterns.

Family Constellations is a powerful somatic body-based framework that works with what we call the knowing field (the energetic field that forms in a constellation process) to reconnect a person back to the love in the family system.

Family Constellations can be 1:1 or in a group setting.

In a group setting, other people who have come along to support your session will participate as representatives.

You as the client will not actively participate in the constellation as yourself initially. As the client you will choose someone to represent you and your family members. Representatives then participate in the constellation as your family members. You will observe the dynamics, energy, communications and exchanges as they play out in the field in front of you.

Through interactions between representatives, the things that need to be expressed and handed back are given the opportunity to be released in a healthy way.

Being a representative is an incredible opportunity to support others in their healing process. You do not have to have any experience to participate as a representative.

The basic format of a workshop (group day):

  • Opening the space and meditation

  • Discussion with client re: their issue and family

  • The client will then choose someone to represent themselves and other family members

  • Each representative will feel into their body (any feelings, sensations or emotions arising) and move as felt in the the field

  • Each representative will be guided through the process of interacting with other representatives and whatever needs to be expressed, worked through and handed back is given an opportunity to be released in a healthy way to support movement towards resolution until completed

  • At the end of the day there will be a short meditation and closing

Click here for some common questions about Family Constellations.

The next Family Constellations Group Day (Workshop) has not been announced. You can register your interest here.

There are 2 ways to get involved in the day:

  1. As the client who is having their issue/family constellated on

  2. As a representative or observer

As a client in this workshop you are given permission to step back and witness the dynamics that may have been playing out. This gives you an opportunity to have a different perspective by not being in it. This can create new possibilities, deeper awareness and greater understanding that will support you moving forward with more choice and empowerment.

As a representative you are not only supporting others in releasing blockages around their self worth, you are also giving yourself an opportunity to be clearer within. This is a beautiful way to contribute both to yourself and others.

Book as a representative here

Contact me to book in as a client

*Tree image above by

Courageous Authenticity

Courageous Authenticity is a gathering for those who wish to dive deeper into exploring who they really are and what it means to live an authentic life, as well as connect with others who are also walking a path of self development and growth.

Who are you?
Why are you here?
What are you going to do about it?

I believe these three questions are the fundamental basis for getting more in touch with our authenticity. It takes courage and bravery to ask these questions and even more to listen to the answers.

Courageous Authenticity is an invitation to give yourself time and space to explore this and get to know yourself on a deeper level. It is space for you to connect, share and be witnessed exactly as you are. A space for authentic connection where vulnerability is nurtured in a safe space. Where you get to choose what feels right to you in the moment and practice not only being present for yourself but also for others.

What does your heart speak and do you listen?

Are you living with the passion, purpose and meaning you desire?

Each week will have a different theme, focus and activity intentionally crafted towards supporting your courageous authenticity journey

The next CA group dates have not been announced. You can register your interest here.

What previous participants have said:

“This is a transformational experience that you journey through as an individual and as a group and the sharing and Ah Ha moments of other group members resonate and deepen your understanding of self, of journey and it adds to your emotional and spiritual intelligence- some of the activities and sharing were mind blowing and the camaraderie of souls we had that was willing to appreciate, listen and share some pretty deep and personal stuff in the most loving, safe space.”

“It is a wholesome, challenging and beautiful journey that once you expand week after week there is no going back.”

“I loved connecting with like minded souls. I now feel less lonely, like even though im alone at times i know these other souls are out there in the world doing this powerful but at times lonely work. Its so comforting to know this”

“I couldn't put it into words how much this group has impacted my journey. It's been such a fundamental process for me. The shift has been huge”

“It was such a privilege to be part off”

“Biggest take-away from participating in the group - Trusting self. Confidence in not needing validation from others in how I work. I am weird and I wouldn’t change it.”

“Huge energetically for me, so connected and beautiful, watching others grow, getting to know LA better, journaling, tea, the moon, the growth / process”

“My confidence that as a person I am special and amazing and there are people out there like me/not like me that accept and embrace my gifts and are cheerleaders for that person trying to evolve to the next level- in turn created a desire to reflect my true self and be a vocal advocate for the gifts and talents of others and to peel away layers and tell people when they are doing great things.”

This group is a 6 week commitment. Once the group starts it will be a closed group. If you are not sure whether this group is suitable for you please contact me directly.

Payment plans are available. Please contact me directly for this option. Payment plans include an additional $27 admin charge which included within the total.

Book for Courageous Authenticity

~ A journey towards living more compassionately within yourself and life ~

Living Compassionately is an invitation to give yourself time and space to go inwards and cultivate a more compassionate self.

This is a 4 week small group journey connecting with other souls who are also desiring a more compassionate way living.

Including group Kinesiology, Constellation processes and Creative processes to support you in releasing blocks that impact your ability to be kind, gentle and loving with yourself (and others).

With the aim of increasing your self-love, self-acceptance and self-honouring capacity, Living Compassionately is your invitation nourish from the inside out. 

The next LC group dates have not been announced. You can register your interest here.

This group is a 4 week commitment. Once the group starts it will be a closed group. If you are not sure whether this group is suitable for you please contact me directly.

Payment plans are available. Please contact me directly for this option. Payment plans include an additional admin charge which will be included within the total.

Register Your Interest for Living Compassionately

This workshop is designed to help you get clearer on what needs to be released in order to make space for that which you wish to create

The next IS group dates have not been announced. You can register your interest here.

This group is a one day workshop or as a program it is 4 week commitment . Once the group starts it will be a closed group. If you are not sure whether this group is suitable for you please contact me directly.

Payment plans are available. Please contact me directly for this option. Payment plans include an additional admin charge which will be included within the total.

Register Your Interest